Top 10 Iron Rich Foods (Surprising Foods Listed for You)


You must be looking for blood-forming foods in the face of anemia. What are blood-forming foods? We call foods that help in the production of red blood cells as Iron Rich Foods hematopoietic foods.

It is interesting to know that different body organs such as liver and bone marrow are not able to compensate for the lack of lost red blood cells.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the best sources of blood that are useful for your body and take steps to preserve your body’s blood, which is definitely the most important fuel for your body.

Blood is the most important fuel of the body for survival. And it should be noted because.The body needs iron for growth and development. Iron helps prevent anemia and protect the body against infection. Therefore, hematopoietic nutritional sources, which often contain iron and copper, should be included in each person’s diet. Foods help hematologists in different degrees.

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1. Fried Dates

Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods
fried dates

To prepare this dish, we must first fry the dates in a small amount of oil for 7-8 minutes and use enriched white bread as a blood-forming kalaat. You can also use a hematopoietic plant called celery to get too much sweetness from dates. Peel it and put it in every bite you like.  or you can desigh your dish with this vegetable.

This food is one of the richest possible food for people who suffer from anemia. and it is a rich source of iron.


2. Vegetable Salad

Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods
Vegetable Salad

In this salad, we use spinach, broccoli, green beans and peas. As you know, all these vegetables have dark colored leaves, and most vegetables with dark colors have more iron. To flavor this salad, we can use fruits such as apples, peaches and berries. The sauce that flavors this delicious salad is white mulberry juice, you can also use sesame to decorate. Sesame alone is one of the best sources of iron needed by the body.

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3. Beans Stew

Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods
Beans Stew

As you know, beans are one of the most powerful sources of iron and the main base of this food is bean. The preparation method is easy. First, depending on the number of people, put the desired beans in a container full of boiling water and let it cook for one and a half hours. Then add one third of the amount of beans and lentils.

And let it cook again for half an hour. You can also use dried tomato powder or fresh tomato paste to create color and make your dish more beautiful. And note that the main flavor of the food is in fresh parsley. Fresh parsley is one of the few vegetables with dark leaves and definitely, besides adding great taste to the food, they can completely change the aroma of the food.


4. Pureed Pumpkin With Hemp Seeds

Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods
Pureed Pumpkin With Hemp Seeds

This simple dish has only two items. First, put the pumpkin in boiling water for a quarter of an hour. Then, puree it using a fork. Halva pumpkin has its own sweetness, so no additives are needed. Pour the hemp seeds immediately on the warm pumpkin puree. These seeds cook a little by themselves. This food rich in iron is very easy.

If you want to consider this food as a complete and main meal, you can also use cereals with it, such as rye bread.


5. Pasta

Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods

It is interesting to know that pasta is one of the main sources of supplying iron to your body. It is necessary to use soybeans and fresh green beans in addition to meat. And this is often interesting to people who have never known pasta as an iron-rich food.

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The serious warnings we give about this dish is to use sunflower or soybean oil in this dish and to take more vegetables than usual, for example, use parsley leaves for decoration.


6. Potato and Pea Coco

Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods
Potato and Pea Coco

Cook the peas and potatoes separately for half an hour. Then mash the potatoes and add the peas, pour some sesame seeds and stir, and use fresh parsley and tomato powder for flavor. Finally, fry the ingredients in a pan with a small amount of sunflower oil and serve with enriched white bread.

Each of these vegetables, grains, and oilseeds used in this dish are full of iron and can easily provide the iron your body needs.


7. Schnitzel

Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods

This dish is obtained from the combination of two types of beef and chicken, just separate 100 grams of both types of meat and mix them together in a blender, add some onion and make it into a hamburger and with a small amount Cook from soybean oil in a very gentle heat. You can also use carrots, cabbage and tomatoes as a side dish.


8. Beans and Carrots Stew

Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods
Beans and Carrots Stew

Cut red beans, white beans, and carrot into gems. Fry a small amount. Add boiling water and after half an hour, add some pumpkin seeds, sesame and raisins to this food. It is interesting to know that this food is a food that all its items are sources full of iron and consuming this food for up to four days a week can easily compensate for the lack of iron in your body.

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9. Grilled Sheep Heart and Liver

Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods
Grilled Sheep Heart and Liver

Grilling is one of the best ways to cook this type of food. So cut the sheep’s heart and liver into pieces and skewer them. Add a little salt and use green and sweet red pepper as seasoning. After grilling, eat it with whole grain bread. It is interesting to know that this food is absorbed earlier than other foods due to the presence of animal protein, and you can see its effect even a few hours after eating.


10. Fried Shrimp With Cornmeal

Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods
Fried Shrimp With Cornmeal

You can roll the shirimp that you buy fresh in corn flour and then fry it in oil. Fried shrimp in corn flour can show the amount of iron more than you ever wanted because it can stimulate the liver to produce blood. You should know that shrimp itself is one of the main sources of protein and corn flour as well.

It is one of the main cereals for absorbing iron. So the combination of these two can be a unique combination. Add spices to your taste!



All the introduced foods were foods that are compatible with the nature of most people. They are very easy and convenient to cook and can easily stop your laziness. Just prepare the required ingredients and be ready to cook. As a final note, you should know that you cannot cure your anemia overnight.

Try to keep all of Era’s recipes with you and with the responsibility you have towards your body, include them in your diet every day and say goodbye to your anemia forever.

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1 Comment
  1. Kani Master says

    I had no idea about these foods! I loved your article 🙂

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