Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage + Drug Info (2023)


Maybe you don’t consider the kidney as an important organ in your body, but you should know that you were wrong, the kidney is one of the most important organs in your body, in addition to urinating, it makes it easy for you to eliminate toxins from the body.

During the day, 2 liters It clears the blood for you, so it is necessary to know what things harm your kidneys. In this article, we are going to introduce you to top 10 drugs that cause kidney damage for you.

The possibility of kidney impairment is influenced by your own health and any additional medications you’re taking. you must know Nephrotoxic drugs are characterized as having the potential to harm the kidneys. The kidneys may suffer immediate harm from certain medications.

Some of these drugs moderately impair kidney function, while others can seriously harm the kidneys. You might wish to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of these medications with your doctor if you have even a minor case of renal failure.



Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage

The IV antibiotic vancomycin is frequently administered to patients who have severe methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections. While treating your illness, your doctor will carefully monitor your kidneys for any damage because this medicine might harm them and lead to acute interstitial nephritis (kidney inflammation) in some patients. Kidney inflammation alone can cause more serious problems such as bleeding and urinary tract obstruction.



Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage

talk to your doctor and act like aware personTry to use these drugs as little as possible, for the shortest amount of time, at the lowest effective dose.

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a consequence of their extensive usages, NSAIDS, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve), top the list of substances that harm kidneys. NSAIDs are used to treat a wide range of ailments including fever, rheumatoid arthritis, menstrual pain, and inflammation.

however, they can also lower the quantity of blood flow to the kidneys, raising the risk of kidney damage or failure. Even more, people are at risk when taking NSAIDs: those with heart failure, liver illness, or past renal issues.



Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage

Water tablets, or diuretics, are prescribed to treat edema, glaucoma, and high blood pressure, among other diseases, but they carry some hazards, just like any other prescription. Hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide, and spironolactone are a few of the most well-known diuretics. Acute kidney damage is a danger that is connected to them. The meaning of acute injury is inflammation of the kidneys, making them painful and disrupting their activity.


4.ACE inhibitors

Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage
ACE inhibitors, chemical formula

It’s like the damage to the tissues inside the body is contagious, because whenever a person suffers from heart problems, they have to take pills that affect the kidneys by themselves.

Both favorable and harmful effects on the kidneys can be attributed to ACE inhibitors. These include drugs with names that frequently finish in “-il,” such as lisinopril, enalapril, and ramipril. ACE inhibitors are often prescribed medications for heart failure and excessive blood pressure.


5. Iodine radiocontrast

Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage
Iodine radiocontrast

Iodinated radiocontrast, despite seeming like a technical phrase, refers to any contrast dyes used in diagnostic testing, like a CT scan. Within 24 to 48 hours following an IV contrast injection, iodinated radiocontrast chemicals are one of the most frequent causes of kidney impairment among hospitalized patients.

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Since ACE inhibitors are processed by the kidneys, there is a chance that taking them could harm your kidneys, especially if you’re dehydrated, which is frequently the case in those with pre-existing renal issues like chronic kidney disease.

If you require an ACE inhibitor and are more prone to experience kidney damage,your doctor will likely prescribe a modest dose and may ask you to undergo regular blood creatinine tests to check on the condition of your kidneys.


6. Jardiance

Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage

A diabetes drug called Jardiance has been shown to seldom result in kidney failure, although it may protect the kidneys in diabetic patients who use it. Furthermore, Jardiance interacts with other nephrotoxic medications (drugs on this list), which increases the risk of toxic renal consequences. Jardiance also has diuretic effects. Again, it’s extremely unlikely, but it can happen.

Therefore, it is forbidden to use this medicine arbitrarily. What do doctors do carefully to prescribe this medicine, and do they provide you with neutralizing drugs along with this medicine.


7. Antibiotics with aminoglycosides

Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage
Antibiotics with aminoglycosides

Even at modest doses, aminoglycoside antibiotics are known to harm the kidneys. High-risk groups include people who have taken these antibiotics for a long time, are dehydrated or have chronic kidney disease.

Neomycin, followed by gentamicin, tobramycin, and amikacin, is the most poisonous aminoglycoside. The least hazardous drug is streptomycin. Although these drugs are frequently used in hospitals, it’s still crucial to keep them in mind!


8. HIV medicines and antiviral medicines

Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage
HIV medicines and antiviral medicines

You may be at an increased risk for kidney illness if you take some antiviral HIV drugs, which have been related to chronic kidney damage. Both Reyataz (atazanavir) and Viread (tenofovir) have been demonstrated to cause acute renal damage.

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Self-administration of this medicine is prohibited, even if you have received it from someone who has HIV, because your body is different from another person’s body in many ways.


9. Zoledronic acid

Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage
Zoledronic acid

Although it is commonly used to treat osteoporosis, zoledronic acid (Zometa, Reclast) is known to induce kidney damage and renal failure.

The IV drug Zometa is crucial for the treatment of metastatic bone cancer, yet it is known to have the potential to harm kidney function. Because we have observed damage to the kidneys in some patients with this disease.



Top 10 Drugs That Cause Kidney Damage

Foscarnet, which is also administered intravenously, is a rarely prescribed medication that cures viral infections in people with compromised immune systems. Your doctor will carefully check your kidney function if you need it because it can be quite damaging to the kidneys.

And even in some cases, the doctor prescribes neutralizing drugs, not neutralizing ampoules, for you along with this medicine.



By this point in the article, you must have realized that the kidney is just as important as other tissues and organs of our body…and neglecting it causes serious problems.

Negligence means taking medicine arbitrarily is not paying attention to the particularity of the body, so if you suffer from various diseases such as HIV, heart diseases, blood pressure, and osteoporosis, be sure to consult your doctor about the use of drugs, because the drugs are specific to specific organs of the body. It can also affect kidney function.

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