Top 10 Natural Disasters in The History (Really Horrible!)


Natural disasters continue to be a major concern for humanity: despite advances in technology, people are still largely unable to cope with hurricanes, drought, tornados and wildfires. But what is the most occurred and the most dangerous natural disaster? Which natural disaster left the biggest tragedies in history?

Natural disasters have been around for as long as the world has existed, and some of them have really changed the way we live. But that doesn’t mean they’re going to end anytime soon. In fact, most of them happen with no warning, and even if you do get a warning, you don’t know how bad it could get.

Here are some of the worst natural disasters that have happened in the past, and if history has taught us anything, it’s that they can happen again. Be ready for disaster, because it can strike at any time. Most of these disasters were things that people never thought would happen to them. Here you find the top 10 natural disasters in the world.


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1. Haiti Earthquake 2010

Top 10 Natural Disasters
haiti earthquake 2010

Let’s start with the earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010. It was one of the most recent natural disasters to hit the country. It was a huge 7.0 earthquake, one of the most powerful ever recorded. It sent shock waves through the island of Haiti, and people felt the effects for days afterwards. Over 200,000 people died, and millions of people were made homeless and needed emergency help.

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2. Hurican Katrina of 2005

Top 10 Natural Disasters
Hurican Katrina of 2005

Hurricane Katrina caused one of the worst Gulf Coast earthquakes we’ve seen in years. In fact, it was the 6th most powerful earthquake in the U.S. Since then, hundreds of people have lost their lives and millions of dollars in damage have been caused. In total, the hurricane caused over $81 billion worth of damage.


3. Hurricane Andrew of 1993

Top 10 Natural Disasters
Hurricane Andrew of 1993

Hurricane Andrew is another significant hurricane to have made landfall in the United States. It is widely regarded as the fifth most destructive hurricane to strike the United States, second only to Hurricane Katrina. This hurricane caused extensive damage, resulted in numerous fatalities, and resulted in billions of dollars of property damage.


4. Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

Top 10 Natural Disasters
Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

The 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami was one of the most destructive in Japan’s recorded history, with a magnitude of approximately 9.0. This event left millions of people dead, injured, or missing, as well as destroying numerous buildings and causing a nuclear disaster.

Tsunami waves of up to 23.6 meters (77 feet) were triggered, which reached Japan within a few minutes of the earthquake.


5. Tsunami Of 2011

Top 10 Natural Disasters
tsunami of 2011 in japan

On December 26, 2004, a huge earthquake hit the coast of Sumatra at around 00:58 UTC, causing a 9.0-magnitude tsunami. It wreaked havoc on the coastlines of a dozen countries that border the Indian Ocean, killing an estimated 225,000 to 275,000 people.

Indonesia was the worst hit, but Sri Lanka, India and Thailand were also affected. The waves were huge, reaching up to 30 metres (100 feet). It’s one of the most deadly disasters in recorded history.

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6. Tangshan Earthquake

Top 10 Natural Disasters
Tangshan Earthquake

On July 28th, 1976, an earthquake with a Richter scale of 8.3 hit an industrial city of about one million people in China called Tanshan. It caused thousands of people to lose their lives and caused a lot of destruction to property and people’s lives. It’s thought that about 255,000 were killed.


7. Cyclone Nargis

Top 10 Natural Disasters
cyclone nargis 2008

On May 2, 2008, Cyclone Nargis caused extensive damage in Myanmar, resulting in the death of an estimated 140,000 people. The cyclone also caused extensive flooding in densely populated areas of Irrawaddy River Delta. The destruction caused by the storm was estimated to have cost approximately $10 billion, making it the second most destructive cyclone in the country’s history, second only to Typhoon Nina in 1975.


8. 2008 China Earthquake

Top 10 Natural Disasters
2008 China Earthquake

The Sichuan earthquake of 8.9 on the Richter scale hit China on May 12th, 2008. It was one of the biggest quakes ever to hit the country, and it resulted in 87,000 deaths and millions of people being left homeless. Homes, factories, schools, and factories were destroyed, and it took a lot of work for rescue teams to get to some of the hardest-to-reach areas in southwest China.


9. 2003 Iran Earthquake

Top 10 Natural Disasters
2003 Iran Earthquake

A huge earthquake with a Richter scale of 6.6, according to the USGS, caused a lot of destruction in Bam and the Kerman region in southeast Iran. It killed around 26,000 people and injured around 30,000.


10. 2005 Pakistan Earthquake

Top 10 Natural Disasters
2005 Pakistan Earthquake

The earthquake in Kashmir in 2005 was huge, measuring 7.6 and killing an estimated 80,000 people in northwest Pakistan and Kashmir. It also caused tremors in nearby countries like Tajikistan and Afghanistan, as well as in western China and India’s own Kashmir, where 1,400 people lost their lives.

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In this article, we gathered the top 10 natural disasters in the world briefly and informatively. Which of them have you been faced with or heard of? Write in the comments.


In conclusion,

It’s clear that there are a lot of different natural disasters out there that have already affected our planet. You don’t see huge disasters happening all the time, but it seems like the bigger the world gets, the more disasters happen. It’s always a good idea to be ready, or as ready as you can be.

You don’t want to be a victim of a natural disaster without knowing how to take care of yourself. So stay ready, and always be on the lookout so you know what kind of disasters are coming so you can get ready and stay safe.

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