Top 10 earners in Australia (2023 Update)


Top 10 earners in Australia are not supernatural people! Rather, they have reached this position with a correct choice regarding their job. In every country, the government’s attention to society’s problems creates high-paying jobs, and people become Top 10 earners by choosing them wisely.

In this article, we introduce 10 successful people in 10 diverse jobs in Australia, which can turn you into top earners. I am sure you would like to know these earners and know which job they are best at.

Knowing about high-paying jobs can be useful for two groups of people. The first group are people who like to be the main earners themselves and make most of the income, and on the other hand, there is another group of people who like to work alongside the main earners in these jobs.

Anyway, this article is useful for both groups because the income of these jobs is so high that both groups benefit.


 ➡ A podcast of this article has been provided for your listening pleasure:


1. The First Top Wage Earner :Dr. David Blavey

Top 10 earners in Australia
Dr. David Blavey

The type of high-paying job: Anaesthetist

In 1999, after graduating from the University of Queensland, Dr. David Blavey started working in the field of anesthesia. He is a trained and experienced person and has learned all the fields of anesthesia in the best way and shows the best in practice.

Then, in 2009, he chose the Royal Hospital as a private practice, and in 2011, he took a year off to gain more experience in different fields such as heart and lung surgery, and after that, he started working at Papworth Hospital, Cambridge.

This person is one of the top 10 earners in Australia in the field of anesthesia and consistently delivers the best results in his career. The reason for his success is doing what most people don’t choose because of the high risk involved in this job. Anesthesiologists’ weekly income is $4,647.


2. The Second Top Wage Earner :Dr. George Touma

Top 10 earners in Australia
Dr. George Touma

The type of high-paying job: cardiologist

He is a very famous and capable cardiologist. His specialty is coronary arteries. A problem that is very common among all age groups.

This capable doctor can deal with all the possible risks that happen to the heart and overcome all the challenges he faces. And of course, this risky operation has a very high cost. In addition to cardiology, this excellent doctor also has expertise in pharmacology, and visiting all kinds of drugs and performing different tests by this doctor is certainly time-consuming for the patient.

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The patience of this specialist has made him a Top 10 earner and the weekly income of this doctor is 4285 dollars.


3. The Third Top Wage Earner : Jason May

Top 10 earners in Australia
Jason May

The type of high-paying job: General manager/project manager

Not all of the Top 10 earners in Australia are in the medical field, and it is a mistake to think that all medical fields are the most profitable earners! There are many jobs in the field of construction, and all project tasks are undertaken by engineers. Work such as monitoring employees and improving administrative processes and similar tasks take a lot of work, energy and time.

Jason is a person who has 23 initiatives in his portfolio. And in exchange for each, he has obtained a large amount of funding for the sustainability of his work.. His regularity has made him the most popular among other partners and opened a place for himself in the list of Top 10 earners in Australia. This general manager earns a net income of $4266 per week.


4. The Fourth Top Wage Earner: Andy Forbes

Top 10 earners in Australia
Andy Forbes

The type of high-paying job: Chief technology officer (CTO)

He is a very innovative and creative senior technology manager and graduated from the University of Adelaide before his children were born. Most people describe him in one sentence: a cultured person who loves design. The leadership of SMSF and SAF pension software is with him.

Because he finds this event very complicated and is always trying to at least make it easier for everyone, and his creativity and foresight have made him a successful earner.

And with his good morals, he still remains at the top of the Top 10 earners in Australia. So, I can easily say that success and being among You just need to be a little creative and like to immerse yourself in the world of technology and gain experience in this matter for at least 15 years.

You just need to be a little creative and like to immerse yourself in the world of technology and gain experience in this matter for at least 15 years. Be a best earners is not only in medical fields and fields!


5. The Fifth Top Wage Earner: Mike Cannon-Brookes

Top 10 earners in Australia
Mike Cannon-Brookes

The type of high-paying job: Head of technology

He is in the Top 10 earners in Australia with 3 bachelor’s degrees in information technology and a diploma in applied information technology and ten years of experience in information technology. This earner’s weekly income is $3737.

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He is immersed in the world of technology with the software giant on a daily basis and enjoys the journey very much. He is a person who wears simple clothes and is so powerful in managing his work that if he can penetrate Australian companies, he will be added to the list of the top 5 companies in Australia.


6. The Sixth Top Wage Earner: David James

Top 10 earners in Australia
David James

The type of high-paying job: Investment director

According to the introduction of jobs, we are aware of the correct choice of the government of Australian men, how much they are looking for how professionals can help people in the best way. Like the investor manager Mr. David James! He helps the clients in such a way that they can get the most out of their hard-earned property.

He has two important and international bachelor’s degrees in business with finance and commerce with accounting and finance. The gross income of this successful person is $3,737 per week.


7. The Seventh Top Wage Earner: David Paradice

Top 10 earners in Australia
david paradice

The type of high-paying job: Portfolio manager

Being a portfolio manager is another job in which talented people can easily become the best earners. David Paradice is a person who is very skilled in this job and remains among the best after many years. He has a certificate IV in services.

He is very rich by receiving very high profits from his work and with his skill he has introduced many people in this business and his company. His weekly income during the week is 3526.


8. The Eighth Wage Earner: David Joseph

Top 10 earners in Australia
David Joseph

The type of high-paying job: Surgeon

Dr. As a successful person in surgery, David Joseph performs various tasks: such as checking all the patient’s symptoms both before and after surgery. This is a very important and vital task. And more than 10 earners in this list should be studied and studied and know all the problems well, and this may bring a person to fame and wealth a little later than other Top 10 earners.

Dr. David Joseph has also succeeded in this way that by completing the general surgery course in the clinical environment, he worked in Sydney and after spending 3 years on this path, he completed his surgical training program at the Royal College of Australia. And reached this position.


9. The Ninth Wage Earner: Tony Abbott

Top 10 earners in Australia
Tony Abbott

The type of high-paying job: Judicial or other legal professionals

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Excluding taxes, this person has the highest income among other lawyers in the profession of legal specialist. and serves the people. It can be said that his activity level is so wide that it includes all jobs for judging and defending.

The goodness of this job and becoming one of the Top 10 earners in Australia allows you to have many choices for your activity and choose a field that you are interested in serving.

Other successful earners do not have this advantage. Because they were not in law. Tony Abbott is a person who graduated within 5 years and got his bachelor of law degree or doctorate in law and after proving himself in this job and completing 24 months under the supervision of a reputable law firm, he became his best…

10. The Tenth Wage Earner: Richard Newton

Top 10 earners in Australia
Richard Newton

The type of high-paying job: Mining Engineer

Richard Newton is a successful mining engineer and has become one of the Top 10 earners in Australia. His duty as a mining engineer is to return the mines to their original state after mining, with the cooperation of geologists and planning principles that are unique to him and make him different from others, so that they do not harm the shape of the land and the ecosystem in it.

He also invests in several universities with his high income that he earned after his continuous efforts. He only works with people who are all professionals and know the principles of safety, and he cares a lot about the health of his employees and compliance with the principles and adheres to them.



Thank you for staying with us until the end of this article. The introduction of these Top 10 earners in Australia was for you to know the high-paying jobs in Australia and how you can become the best earners in them. Know that in the first stage, creativity and patience are needed to choose any of these jobs.

And it’s interesting that we can’t arrange them for you in terms of difficulty, because each one has its own difficulty and tasks, and only your personal and individual interest determines which one you will be more successful in! If you have the necessary documents in any of these jobs, just try to be better than you were yesterday, and if you are going to apply, I wish you success.

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