Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images


In this article, you will know about the top 10 longest rivers in the world. As you know, a river is a natural watercourse that follows from its origin toward a lake, sea, ocean or even another river. hence, we will talk about the length, route and course of the longest rivers along with the demography around their course.

So, the following factors will be mentioned here:

  • The length of the rivers
  • The origin of them
  • The mouth of them
  • Their country origin
  • The demography of the area

The origin of a river: the point that rivers start their watercourse. they usually originate from mount.

The mouth of a river: the point of ejecting a river. it is the end of the path of a river and estuary of a sea or lake and even an ocean.

Demography: the study of the dynamic of a population.

The Longest Rivers Based On Their Length (Km):

Ranking The name of a river The length of a river in km Its route
1 Nile River 6650 Km Egypt, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Burundi, Sudan, and South Sudan
2 The Amazon River 6575 Km Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Brazil
3 Yangtze River 6300 Km China
4 Mississippi River 6275Km USA and Canada
5 Yenisei River 5539 Km Mongolia and Russia
6 Yellow River 5464 Km China
7 Ob-Irtysh River 5410 Km Russia, China and Mongolia
8 Parana River 4880 Km Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.
9 Congo River 4700 Km The Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, western Zambia, northern Angola, and parts of Cameroon and Tanzania.
10 Amur River 4480 Km Mongolia, China and Russia

The Top 10 Longest Rivers In Detail

In the following, you can find out about the longest river in the world in detail. However, determining the length of a river is a difficult task because large rivers have several large and small tributaries and scientists have to find the farthest source of every river. the source of rivers is usually located in remote and inaccessible regions.

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So, we placed the Nile River at top of our list however some experts believe that this position belongs to Amazon.


1.Nile River

Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images
Nile River

Length: 6650 km

The countries along its route: Egypt, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Burundi, Sudan, and South Sudan

Its origin: Lake Victoria

Its mouth: the Mediterranean Sea.

The Nile River has two important tributaries including Blue and White Niles. Some of the famous historic civilizations are formed through the path of this large river.


2.The Amazon River

Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images
The Amazon River

Length: 6575 Km

The countries along its route: are Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Brazil

Its origin: the Andes Mountains of Peru

Its mouth: Atlantic Ocean.


3.The Yangtze River

Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images
The Yangtze River

The length:6300 km

The countries along its route: China

Its origin: Chinese government believe that the Tuotuo tributary in the Tanggula Mountains is the origin of the Yangtze River but recent researches show that Jari Hill (the headwater of the Dam Qu tributary) is its origin.

Its mouth: the East China Sea in Shanghai

The Yangtze River is the only world’s longest river and all its paths are located in a single country. In addition, it is the longest river in Asia and one-third of the population of China is resident in its basin.


4.The Mississippi River

Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images
The Mississippi River

Length: 6275Km

It is a river system that is made up of the Mississippi, Missouri, and Jefferson rivers.

The countries along its route: the Mississippi river system flew in 31 states of America and two provinces in Canada

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Its origin: two origins are considered for it. first, the Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota. The second assumed origin is Jefferson River as the farthest source of the Mississippi River.

Its mouth: Gulf of Mexico


5.The Yenisei River

Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images
The Yenisei River

Length: 5539 Km

It is the fifth-longest river system in the world

The countries along its route: Mongolia and Russia (Tuva, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Khakassia, Irkutsk Oblast, Buryatia, Zabaykalsky Krai)

Its origin: the headwaters of the Yenisei River system is The Selenge River. the Selenge River flow into Lake Baikal and then the Angara River begins its path from near this lake and joins the Yenisei River near Strelka. A part of the path of the Angara includes Russia’s Irkutsk Oblast

Its mouth: Arctic Ocean


6.The Yellow River (Huang He)

Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images
The Yellow River (Huang He)

This river is named because of its colour (yellow). massive volumes of loose waste on the surface of it is the causal agent of its yellowish colour. The Yellow River (Huang He) is one of the important symbols of China because the ancient Chinese civilization was born in its basin.

Length: 5464 Km

The countries along its route: China (Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong)

Its origin: Bayan Har Mountains

Its mouth: the Gulf of Bohai near the city of Dongying in Shandong province.


7.The Ob-Irtysh River

Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images
The Ob-Irtysh River

The Ob-Irtysh River known as the Ob River too is one of the main Siberian rivers along with Yenisei and the Lena.

Length: 5410 Km

The countries along its route: Russia, China and Mongolia

Its origin: the Altas Mountains

Its mouth: the Arctic Ocean


8.The Parana River

Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images
The Parana River

The Parana is the second largest river in South America and its name is summarized from the Tupi phrase para the onáva, which means “like the sea.”

Length: 4880 Km

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The countries along its route: are Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.

Its origin: Amazon Highlands

Its mouth: Atlantic Ocean


9.The Congo River (Zaire River)

Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images
The Congo River (Zaire River)

It flows in Africa’s continent and crosses the equator twice. In addition, The Congo River is the deepest in the world with over 700 feet of depth in some parts.

Length: 4700 Km

The countries along its route: the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, western Zambia, northern Angola, and parts of Cameroon and Tanzania

Its origin: between Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa (Malawi) in the highlands of northeastern Zambia

Its mouth: Atlantic Ocean (near Banana(e) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo)


10.The Amur River (Heilong Jiang)

Top 10 Longest Rivers In The World + Wonderful Images
The Amur River (Heilong Jiang)

The name of this river, Amur, comes from the word water, however, its other name, Heilong Jiang, is translated to black dragon river.

Length: 4480 Km

The countries along its route: Mongolia, China and Russia

Its origin: there are two sources for this river the north and the south. The Onon River in Mongolia is its northern source and the Argun River is its southern source.

Its mouth: The Pacific Ocean



We reviewed the top 10 longest rivers in the world with their route, origin and mouth. They are including the Nile River, The Amazon River, The Yangtze River, The Mississippi River, The Yenisei River, The Yellow River (Huang He), The Ob-Irtysh River, The Parana River, The Congo River (Zaire River) and The Amur River (Heilong Jiang).

What do you think about the above list? Do you think which one is the longest Nile River or the Amazon River? Do you see the above rivers up close so far? If you want to list them based on their attraction, which one will be on top of your list? Please share your experience and idea with our readers below.

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