Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?


It is no secret that Finland is the happiest country. But what about the other nations? If your enthusiastically looking for top 10 happiest countries, this is the right article you need.

It is widely accepted that happiness is a fleeting state of consciousness. Some people experience happiness through a high quality of life, while others experience happiness through earning a large sum of money.

However, what is happiness, and is it a state of contentment that is shared by both locals and those who travel, work as expatriates, and live as digital nomads? It is important to note that happiness does not necessarily coincide with sunny days and pleasant weather.

The World Happiness Report states that the world’s happiest individuals live in places with freezing temperatures, swimming in icy waters, and paying high taxes. In this article, we are going to help you find the top 10 happiest countries.

What Are The Top 10 Happiest Countries?

The Nordic countries demonstrate a high level of happiness on the basis of the common indicators used in the report to illustrate its findings, such as long life expectancy, social assistance in times of economic hardship, low levels of corruption and high levels of social trust, community generosity, and the autonomy to make essential life choices.

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What are the top 10 happiest countries in the world?

1. New Zealand

Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?
New Zealand people

New Zealand is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s got stunning landscapes that have been carefully preserved, and the pace of life is much slower. People love their holidays and weekends, and New Zealand has some of the best social welfare systems in the world.

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Plus, it’s full of peace and quiet. With so many activities to do, from hiking and skiing to skydiving and water activities, it’s hard to get bored.


2. Israel

Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?
Israel people

Having a good network of friends and family is key to making Israel a great place to live. Israel is growing more and more like a startup country, with a strong sense of social solidarity and progressive tolerance.

The economy is strong, life expectancy is long, healthcare is top-notch, and there’s a strong family and social structure that gives people a sense of safety and connection. People love spending time with their friends and family, and there’s the beauty of the sea, archaeological sites, history, delicious food, and an international population.


3. Norway

Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?
Norway people

Norwegians are mostly satisfied with the way things work. It’s really tough to get fired, and everyone gets five weeks’ paid vacation. Freedom, care, integrity, kindness, good government, good health, and money are the main reasons why people are happy.

Few people are left behind because of a well-functioning social safety net and a strong economy. Good stewardship of natural resources, a sense of community, faith in the state, and economic prosperity are just a few of the reasons why people are content.


4. Sweden

Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?
Sweden people

Sweden isn’t the only Nordic country that’s happy. It’s not just about having a higher GDP per capita. Swedes don’t set too many goals for themselves, don’t work too hard, and make sure to spend time with their family and friends. Plus, you don’t have to wait till the weekend to go for a walk in the park.

All of these things add up to a more contented population. Another study found that Sweden was one of the top countries for women due to its focus on social equality, which starts at kindergarten. Plus, you can get 16 months paid parental leave if you’re a couple, or you can split it between the two of you.

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5. Luxembourg

Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?
Luxembourg people

If you’re looking for a place to get away from it all, Luxembourg is the perfect destination! It’s a small, old-world place in the heart of Europe that’s always changing and growing.

You can explore historic sites and castles, take in the stunning natural beauty, try some of the best food around, and meet lots of friendly people. Plus, you don’t have to wait in long lines to do all this – it’s a great place to live!


6. The Netherlands

Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?
The Netherlands people

Netherlands is a great place to live – it’s open, welcoming, and you don’t have to speak Dutch to get in. People here value education and have a good balance between work and life. It’s possible to work less and still have a good life in Holland – that’s because you don’t need to make a lot of money to live comfortably.


7. Switzerland

Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?
Switzerland people

Switzerland is known for being one of the richest countries in Europe, but it’s not just about the money that makes people happy. It’s also about having a sense of fairness, being honest, having trust, and being healthy.

But it’s not just the wealth that makes people happy – the location and the weather also play a big role. People come to enjoy the lakes and beaches in the summer, mountain biking and skiing in the winter, and there’s always something new and exciting to do.


8. Iceland

Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?
Iceland people

Life in Iceland can be tough, especially with the long winters and bad weather, but the people are really happy and positive. Maybe it’s because they have a culture that values acceptance and quality.

Health is also a big part of happiness, and Iceland’s health system is pretty good – it has the lowest rate of infant mortality and one of the longest lifespans in the world. Most people have access to good health care.

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Plus, Iceland has some of the best scenery in the world, and a lot of athletes who love to get out and explore nature. When you’re surrounded by beauty, it’s easy to be happy.


9. Denmark

Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?
Danish people

Denmark has a really high level of trust in society. People trust each other, the government, the royals, the hospitals, the police, and even businesses. Unless you tell them differently, people think they’re reliable. This trust and community values have been around for a long time, and it’s part of why Denmark is so passionate about equality.


10. Finland

Which Countries Are Routinely Shown To Be In The Top Of Happiest Countries In The World?
Finland people

Finland is the happiest country in the world in 2022! It’s got the biggest archipelago in the world, Europe’s biggest lake district, and the last untamed wilderness – Lapland – that covers almost 75% of the country. But it’s not just about being happy – it’s something that’s built into the Finnish people’s DNA.

Their superpower is staying happy, and that means taking life as it comes – even in tough times. They appreciate the small things, like sitting on a bench and looking out at a lake after a sauna or taking a dip in the ocean before work.


In Conclusion,

In this article, we made an attempt to provide you with the top 10  happiest countries in the world. Now all you have to do is pick your favorite color pill and get ready to head off to one of these fabulous places.

Have you ever been to one of the happiest countries? Do people there really seem to be happy? Have you? Let’s hear it in the comments!


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